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Welcome to Cape Town!

The leadership of the INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee (CBC) and the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation (IDC) welcome participants to the first contiguous meetings of the CBC and IDC Steering Committee taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 3―6 October 2016, hosted by AGSA South Africa.

Logistical Information

The purpose of this logistical information is to provide administrative, logistical and general information for all participants attending the meetings. As the CBC Chair is the host of the meetings, the CBC will coordinate the registration and other logistics for both meetings. Updates on the meeting arrangements will be made available here on the CBC website from time to time.

Please find all necessary information here: Logistical Information CBC/IDC Annual Meetings 2016


Enquiries regarding the registration process and logistics can be addressed to the CBC Secretariat at Enquiries regarding thematic issues must be addressed to either the CBC or IDC secretariat,, as the case may be.


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AFROSAI-E Technical Conference coming up

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Farewell from CBC vice chair Helena Lindberg

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