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One of the key strategies in INTOSAI’s Strategic plan tasks the CBC with supporting and promoting medium to long term peer-to-peer cooperation between SAIs in support of institutional development.






Peer-to-peer cooperation is the preferred mode of capacity development for a majority of SAIs. Long term peer-to-peer partnerships between SAIs build on common experiences, common missions and a common identity.


Most importantly, they build on trust between colleagues.


The CBC workstream on Peer-to-Peer cooperation has conducted a webinar series on lessons learned on the project management cycle in medium to long-term peer-to-peer cooperation. Please see below under “Ongoing and Webinars” for more!

Upcoming Events



The Intosai CBC peer-to-peer workstream is pleased to invite you to the next online meeting,
to take place on Wednesday 19 April 2023 9:00-11:00 CET.

During the session we will have an external speaker who will share best practices and lessons learned from other peer-to-peer support programmes outside of the SAI community.

There will be sufficient time for questions.

In addition to the external speaker, we will have time during the meeting to discuss the peer-to-peer workstream plans for the year.

More information to follow in due course.

Best wishes from the CBC P2P co-leads,

National Audit Office UK

Netherlands Court of Audit

Ongoing and Webinars



CBC P2P webinar series on the development cooperation project cycle, 1-5:



Initiation and needs assessment

The INTOSAI CBC workstream Peer-to-peer (P2P) Cooperation first webinar took place on 28 September 2021, led by SAI Norway and SAI The Netherlands, brought various SAIs together to discuss “initiation and needs assessment”. Please herewith find the Summary CBC P2P Webinar 28 September 2021 of this first workshop, as well as the Presentation CBC P2P Workshop 28 September used during the session.

Design and Planning

The second session was held on the 25 November 2021, led by SAI France and IDI, and brought various SAIs together to discuss “design and planning”. Please herewith find the Summary CBC P2P Design and Planning Nov 2021​ of this second workshop, as well as the Presentation CBC P2P Design and planning SAI France and IDI Nov 2021 used during the session.

Implementation and monitoring

The third session, focusing on “Implementation and monitoring”, was led by SAI UK and SAI New Zealand on 20 January 2022: 2022012 Summary report Implementation and Monitoring


The fourth session, focusing on “Evaluation”, was led by SAI Sweden and the IDI on 23 March 2022: Summary Report on Evaluation.


The fifth session, focusing on “Exit”, was led by SAI Sweden and the IDI on 22 June, 2022: Summary Report – P2P webinar Exit Strategies.


About the P2P workstream

Medium and long term peer-to-peer cooperation was a theme discussed at the CBC’s annual meeting in Kuwait in 2018. Following up on those discussions, the CBC will encourage INTOSAI members and stakeholders to share their experiences of peer-to-peer cooperation through blogs and articles, strive to create opportunities to exchange experiences of peer-to-peer cooperation, share information about peer-to-peer cooperation, identify good practices and promote the use of peer-to-peer cooperation.


Please see the Peer-to-peer colourful and informative leaflet on the work and cooperation carried out by the workstream: Peer to Peer_Pages Brochure online version.



SAI of France
SAI Norway
SAI United Kingdom
SAI Sweden
SAI The Netherlands (Chair)
SAI Indonesia
SAI New Zealand
SAI Australia
SAI South Africa


The CBC workstream on peer-to-peer cooperation is co-led by the UK National Audit Office and the Netherlands Court of Audit.

Please feel free to contact Tim Valentine ( or Brigitte Obertop ( for further information.


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