The 13th AFROSAI General Assembly took place in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt from 27-29 October 2014.
The INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee participated in the meeting to provide an update on key CBC developments and envisaged work plan, and expressed eagerness to continue strengthening its cooperation with the AFROSAI CBC and sub-language groups within AFROSAI.
During the meeting, the General Assembly adopted a new AFROSAI strategy, and presented the consolidation of the former Technical Capacity Building- and Institutional Capacity Building Committees into one AFROSAI Capacity Building Committee. The new Committee has new strategic objectives, one of which is to intensify the cooperation between the CBC of AFROSAI and the INTOSAI CBC. The new consolidated AFROSAI Capacity Building Committee will be under the chairmanship of SAI Senegal. Also, there has been a reconstitution of the Knowledge Sharing Committee, with new strategic objectives, under the Chairmanship of Kenya.
The recognition by the African Union of AFROSAI as a key organisation on the African continent was one of the highlights on the agenda of the AFROSAI General Assembly, in particular the important role of SAIs in fostering good governance, democracy and the rule of law. The African Union Commissioner, Ms Fatima Haram, who attended the General Assembly meeting, expressed confidence that with the insight of the African Union, SAIs can assist decision-makers and identify trends and emerging challenges, and greatly assist in helping address poverty.
Furthermore, the Head of SAI Brazil, Mr Augusto Nardes, provided an update about the three year project on Good Governance and SAIs: Towards a strategic, agile and open state, in which 12 countries from all continents are participating. He expressed the confidence that the project can be helpful not only to INTOSAI, but also to the development agenda of the UN and anyone who is in solidarity with the concept of improved governance. The 2015 meeting of the AFROSAI Governing Board is scheduled to take place in Mozambique on a date still to be determined.
By Cobus Botes, CBC Secretariat, Office of the Auditor-General of South Africa