Blog: Four Essential Skills for Auditors in the “Next Normal” Era
The role of auditors is rapidly evolving due to technological advancements, regulatory changes, and global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. As we enter the "Next Normal" era, auditors need to be equipped with key skills to effectively operate in this complex...
Upcoming AFROSAI-E workshops in July
2-5 July: Annual Extractive Industries workshop in Dar es Salaam Over the years, our annual Extractive Industries Workshop has proven to be an invaluable gathering of representatives from member SAIs, industry experts, and practitioners from various institutions. This...
PASAI blog: Firefighting, saving lives and the value of Performance Audit
Read and be inspired by this blog by By Mike Scott, Director Performance Audit, PASAI: "...This got me thinking about the value of performance audit and how being a performance auditor isn’t as different as it might seem to being a firefighter. Being capable, timely...
Blog: How a culture’s ‘power distance’ affects auditing
By Luke Eaton, Communications Advisor, PASAI Across the Pacific region the power distance dimension of culture varies. This refers to the relationships between people perceived to have different ‘statuses.’ In places with a low power distance, interactions are usually...
16-20 September intense meeting week hosted by SAI Romania
Building Effective, Accountable and Transparent Institutions for the Public Good There will be a busy meeting week in Bucharest, Romania, on 16-20 September. The meetings of IDC (INTOSAI-Development Cooperation), PFAC (INTOSAI Policy, Finance and Administration...
AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 1, 2024
The Office of the Auditor General of Uganda played a crucial role in hosting the 20th AFROSAI-E Governing Board Meeting and 2024 Strategic Review in the beginning of May. The event was attended by over 130 delegates, including the Auditors General from member SAIs,...
PASAIs strategy 2024-2034: Investing in Integrity
While every Congress is a major event on the PASAI calendar, this year marks a significant milestone with the adoption of the new strategy for 2024–2034. The strategy is the result of more than a year’s collective efforts. Please read the summarizing blog of Sarah...
First meeting of the Task force on Citizen Participation (TFCP)
Sharing experiences, results and perspectives on citizen participation and civil society engagement by Nelson Shack Yalta, Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru and Chair of the Task Force on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement...
PASAI: new HR guide now available
A new guide is now available to help Pacific Island SAIs navigate human resource management (HRM), providing the tools to deal with the challenges of attracting, developing, rewarding and retaining staff, based on global knowhow and regional experience. Find...
The future of flexible working in Supreme Audit Institutions
In recent years the CBC has focused on human resource management issues, recognizing that staff are the most crucial asset of a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI). Human resource management encompasses various dimensions aimed at optimizing staff performance and ensuring...