External Reference Material
Successful peer-to-peer cooperation builds on common experiences and shared knowledge. This page contains useful references, background materials and links to external sources which may be helpful to SAIs involved in this work.
Sustainable organisational change – Good practice in peer-to-peer partnerships (2019)
EU-P2P mapping study report 2023
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Invitation: The benefits of peer-to-peer support
CBC P2P Side event When: Thursday 10 November 12:45-13:30 Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - ExpoMag, room 2. "The benefits of peer-to-peer support" We are cordially inviting prospective new peer-to-peer support provider SAIs who are interested to join the workstream,...
Minutes from EUROSAI workshop on peer-to-peer cooperation held in the Hague
Click here for: Minutes from the EUROSAI Peer-to-Peer Capacity Building workshop in the Hague 12-14 feb 2019. Representatives from eight EUROSAI member SAIs and the IDI met over three days, 12-14 February, in the Hague to share experiences of peer-to-peer cooperation....
Consolidated notes from theme discussions on peer-to-peer cooperation during the CBC Annual Meeting in Kuwait, 2018
According to the INTOSAI Strategic Plan, one of the CBC’s key strategies to achieve its goal and strategic objectives is “Support and promote medium to long term peerto-peer cooperation between SAIs in support of institutional capacity development.” Peer-to-peer...