Meeting outcome
20190910 Draft minutes CBC steering commitee 3 July
CBC annual meeting evaluation 2019
Exploring our capacity to support SAI professionalism
Monday 1 July
Fundamental 1: The necessary conditions – Independence of SAIs and the impact of SAIs adding value to good PFM.
Mr Edward Olowo-Okere (World Bank) and Mr Magnus Lindell (CBC vice chair) – (Mentimeter results to be published soon)
Fundamental 2: The importance of standards to guide our professionalism.
Ms Helena Lindberg (Auditor General of Sweden and incoming vice chair of CBC) and Ms Åse-Kristin Hemsen (chair of FIPP)
Tuesday 2 July
Fundamental 3: Competent people as aprerequisite for professional SAIs.
Ms Tsakani Ratsela (deputy Auditor General of South Africa)
Fundamental 4: Assessment – the value of performance measurement and the steps that follow.
Mr Einar Gorrisen (DG of IDI), Mr Benjamin Cruz (SAI Guam) and Dr Eber Betanzos-Torres (SAI Mexico) – SAI PMF for CBC discussion
Looking towards the future
The future of ISSAI compliance – Mr Bob Creswell (IFAD) and Mr Jacek Jezierski (SAI Poland) – ISSAI compliance
A young SAI leader’s perspective on the future – Mr László Domokos (Auditor General of SAI Hungary) and Ms Bettina Martus (young leader of SAI Hungary) – SAI Young Leader
The professional of the future – Ms Tytti Yli-Viikari (Auditor General of Finland) – The professional of the Future
Professionalism as a critical future success factor for SAIs – Mr Gene Dodaro (Comptroller General of USA) and Edward Ouko (Auditor General of Kenya) –
Statements of commitment
Declarations by various CBC members and stakeholders (Mentimeter result to be published soon) – SAI France (Remi Frentz)
Wednesday 3 July
Regional Forum for Capacity Development
Presentation by SAI China.
Partnering for enhanced capacity of all role players in PFM – Mr Vickson Ncube (PAAFA), Ms Elaine Hong (CAPA) and Marting Aldcroft (IDI). – Wednesday Ppt (IDI) – Ppt (CAPA) –
CBC Steering Committee Meeting
1. Approval of Draft steering commitee agenda 26 June and attendance.
2. Approval of Draft minutes CBC Steering Committee in Kuwait 2018
3. Dashboard progress reports and value propositions for 2020-2022 by the CBC work streams:
a. Cooperative audits (SAI Peru) Cooperative audits dashboard 2019 – Cooperative Audits Strategic Plan 2020-22
b .Peer reviews (SAI Slovakia) Peer review dashboard 2019 – Peer review work plan 2020 – 2022
c. Task force on INTOSAI auditor professionalization TFIAP (SAI South Africa) TFIAP dashboard 2019 –TFIAP work plan 2020-22
N.B. Please find the “Competency Framework for public sector audit professionals” and the “Guide on Professionalisation pathways” here: Competency Framework Final (2 MB) – Guide on professionalisation pathways final (5 MB)
d. IntoSAINT (SAI Mexico) IntoSAINT dashboard 2019 – IntoSAINT Work Plan
e. Auditing in complex and challenging contexts ACCC (SAI Sweden) ACCC dashboard 2019 – ACCC workplan dashboard format
f. Regional forum for capacity development RFCD, including the INTOSAI-Regions coordination platform (SAI South Africa) RFCD dashboard 2019 – RFCD work plan 2020-22
g. CBC guides and occasional papers (SAI Kenya) Guides and papers dashboard 2019 – CBC Guides & Papers workplan for 2020-2022
h. Peer-to-peer cooperation (Sweden) – including approval of terms of reference Peer-to-peer cooperation dashboard 2019 – ToR Peer-to-peer cooperation
i. SAI PMF reports –
-SAI PMF governance (SAI South Africa)
-SAI PMF implementation, and 2020 planning (IDI) SAI PMF Progress Report 2019 – Revised SAI PMF strategy
-SAI PMF Independent Advisory Group’s report – SAI PMF IAG Annual Report 2019
4. Approval of new CBC members
5. Report on goal chair collaboration
6. Funding of CBC activities
7. Preparations for INCOSAI
a. Presentation by INCOSAI host (SAI Russia)
b. CBC interventions during INCOSAI
8. Venue and proposed dates for 2020 meeting
9. Any other business