CBC Task Force on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement (TFCP)
The CBC, through this task force, will seek to achieve a strengthened external audit ecosystem for the public sector through a mutually beneficial relationship between Supreme Audit Institutions and the citizens of their respective countries.
Declaration on the Promotion of Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement in the Work of Supreme Audit Institutions 2024
While the importance of the relationship between SAIs and citizens and civil society organizations has long been recognized by individual SAIs and regional organizations, as awareness of the growing global importance of the issue grew, in 2022 the SAI of Peru proposed to the CBC the creation of a workstream to address citizen participation in the work of SAIs and the engagement of SAIs with civil society organizations. This resulted in the approval of the creation of the Task Force on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement by the INTOSAI Governing Board during its meeting in November of 2022. The goal of the task force is to identify and share good practices of citizen participation and/or civil society engagement in the work of SAIs, as well as developing initiatives, tools and approaches to support the implementation of such good practices as a means of promoting the value and benefits of SAIs.
What we do
What does the Task Force hope to accomplish?
Mapping and compilation
of initiatives, ideas, experiences, practices, studies, research, and identification of key stakeholders.
of experiences in citizen participation and civil society engagement.
of systematised experiences in citizen participation and civil society engagement.
Capacity building
in citizen participation and civil society engagement through international events and MOOCs
Documents – Progress reports
Citizen Participation in Regional Organizations
Additional Resources
Contact information
Mr. César Aguilar (Chair)
Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru – Chair of the INTOSAI CBC Task Force on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement
Contraloría General de la República del Perú (SAI Peru)
Ms. Mariela Farro
Deputy Manager of Cooperation and International Affairs – TFCP Liaison
Contraloría General de la República del Perú (SAI Peru)
Mr. Aldo Adamo
Specialist of the Subdirectorate of Cooperation and International Affairs– TFCP Support
Contraloría General de la República del Perú (SAI Peru)
Contact email:
Contact phone number: +51 1 330-3000, ext. 2677