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After Meeting Documentation 2015



Thank you to all participants for your involvement and great input to a fruitful CBC Annual Meeting 2015!

CBC Group Photo 2015

Please find below the meeting outcome, including documentation and powerpoint presentations from the week in Stockholm 8-10 September, 2015.

Unfortunately Prezi presentations were not uploadable due to security reasons in the website functions.

2015 CBC Meeting List of Participants incl email

Tuesday 8 September

Parallel work stream sessions, 1st morning session:

Parallel work stream sessions, 2nd morning session:

Regional Forum for Capacity Development
ARABOSAI lessons learned
CREFIAF Burkina Faso

Wednesday 9 September

INTOSAI’s strategic planning process by Dr Faqeeh, President of the General Auditing Bureau of Saudi Arabia and Chair of the INTOSAI Finance and Administration Committee and Chair INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee:
Dr Faqeeh Strategic planning

The evolution of the CBC value proposition by CBC Chair, Kimi Makwetu
Evolution of CBC value proposition

Theme 1: Regional professionalism – facilitated by Jan van Schalkwyk, CBC Secretariat
Characteristics of an Effective Regional Organization Function of the regional level
Lynn Provost_message of support_Theme 1 Regional professionalism

Dinner Key note speaker: Mr Shashi Kant Sharma, Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and Chair of the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) Key Note Address of CAG at CBC meeting

Thursday 10 September

Theme 2: SAI capacity/relevance in a Post 2015 Development Agenda perspective – facilitated by CBC Vice Chair, Magnus Lindell Introduction Theme II

Guest speaker: Ms Lara Taylor-Pearce, Auditor General of Sierra Leone and Chair of AFROSAI-E

Sierra Leone Experience

Guest speaker: Ms Jennifer Thomson, Chief Financial Management Officer, World Bank and Chair INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee World Bank SDG Presentation

Feed-back from: Round-table discussion

Experiences and perspectives on SAI engagements relating to the sustainable development goals

  • Input by: Andrea Connell, SAI Netherlands regarding experiences of working in and with SAIs in fragile states
    NCA Fragile states
  • Input by S.K. Subramanian, SAI India on the KSC’s thoughts on how communities of practice can enable SAIs to respond to the Post 2015 Development Agenda
    KSC presentation on CoP
  • Input by Tiofilusi Tiueti, PASAI with a focus on the audit of issues related to the millennium development goals and the sustainable development goals; regional cooperative environmental audits
    PASAI Climate change audit

CBC Steering Committee meeting – Chaired by CBC Vice Chair, Magnus Lindell
1 Draft agenda CBC Steering Committee of 10 September 2015
2 Draft Minutes CBC SCmeeting Lima Sept 2014
4 draft_CBC role in INTOSAI value chain
6 Due process CBC steering committee
8 Cooperative audits
8 IntoSAINT for SC
8 Peer Review SC to CBC SteerC
8 TGIAC workstream feedback
9 Progress report on SAI CD Database C Fredriksen
11 OECD EIP SAI Engagement

Conclusions of meeting and way forward – CBC Chair, Kimi Makwetu

Steering Committee Resolutions and Conclusions ppt

Draft minutes CBC Steering Committee of 10 September 2015





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