After Meeting Documentation 2015
Thank you to all participants for your involvement and great input to a fruitful CBC Annual Meeting 2015!
Please find below the meeting outcome, including documentation and powerpoint presentations from the week in Stockholm 8-10 September, 2015.
Unfortunately Prezi presentations were not uploadable due to security reasons in the website functions.
2015 CBC Meeting List of Participants incl email
Tuesday 8 September
Parallel work stream sessions, 1st morning session:
- Task group on INTOSAI auditor certification (South Africa)
INTOSAI Infgr Report_Q1_V.0.1
INTOSAI Workshop Narrative_Q1_V.3.0 - IntoSAINT (Netherlands)
Parallel work stream sessions, 2nd morning session:
- Work Stream on Cooperative Audits (Peru)
20150821_SC on Cooperative Audits – 2015 Stockholm report - Work Stream on Peer Review (Slovakia)
Presentation – Programme (284 kB)
0 SC PR meeting in Stockholm – programme
1 Presentation – MEMBERSHIP
2 Presentation GLOSSARY
3 Presentation – PR SURVEY
4 Presentation PR PROMOTION
6 Presentation ISSAI 5600 – REVISED
7 Presentation ISSAI 5600 MILESTONES
Regional Forum for Capacity Development
ARABOSAI lessons learned
CREFIAF Burkina Faso
Wednesday 9 September
INTOSAI’s strategic planning process by Dr Faqeeh, President of the General Auditing Bureau of Saudi Arabia and Chair of the INTOSAI Finance and Administration Committee and Chair INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee:
Dr Faqeeh Strategic planning
The evolution of the CBC value proposition by CBC Chair, Kimi Makwetu
Evolution of CBC value proposition
Theme 1: Regional professionalism – facilitated by Jan van Schalkwyk, CBC Secretariat
Characteristics of an Effective Regional Organization Function of the regional level
Lynn Provost_message of support_Theme 1 Regional professionalism
Dinner Key note speaker: Mr Shashi Kant Sharma, Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and Chair of the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) Key Note Address of CAG at CBC meeting
Thursday 10 September
Theme 2: SAI capacity/relevance in a Post 2015 Development Agenda perspective – facilitated by CBC Vice Chair, Magnus Lindell Introduction Theme II
Guest speaker: Ms Lara Taylor-Pearce, Auditor General of Sierra Leone and Chair of AFROSAI-E
Guest speaker: Ms Jennifer Thomson, Chief Financial Management Officer, World Bank and Chair INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee World Bank SDG Presentation
Feed-back from: Round-table discussion
Experiences and perspectives on SAI engagements relating to the sustainable development goals
- Input by: Andrea Connell, SAI Netherlands regarding experiences of working in and with SAIs in fragile states
NCA Fragile states - Input by S.K. Subramanian, SAI India on the KSC’s thoughts on how communities of practice can enable SAIs to respond to the Post 2015 Development Agenda
KSC presentation on CoP - Input by Tiofilusi Tiueti, PASAI with a focus on the audit of issues related to the millennium development goals and the sustainable development goals; regional cooperative environmental audits
PASAI Climate change audit
CBC Steering Committee meeting – Chaired by CBC Vice Chair, Magnus Lindell
1 Draft agenda CBC Steering Committee of 10 September 2015
2 Draft Minutes CBC SCmeeting Lima Sept 2014
4 draft_CBC role in INTOSAI value chain
6 Due process CBC steering committee
8 Cooperative audits
8 IntoSAINT for SC
8 Peer Review SC to CBC SteerC
8 TGIAC workstream feedback
9 Progress report on SAI CD Database C Fredriksen
11 OECD EIP SAI Engagement
Conclusions of meeting and way forward – CBC Chair, Kimi Makwetu
Steering Committee Resolutions and Conclusions ppt
Draft minutes CBC Steering Committee of 10 September 2015

INTOSAI Journal publishes Farewell word by former CBC vice chair Ms Helena Lindberg
The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in a Changing World "The journey of being an Auditor General is one of continuous learning and adaptation. We encounter an ever-changing landscape of challenges and opportunities. However, with a clear vision,...

Webinar series – Building strong national integrity systems in the Pacific region
Harnessing the power of women to improve accountability and integrity - an International Women’s Day 2025 themed discussion. The theme for International Women’s Day 2025 is “Accelerate action”. Our webinar will seek to celebrate and share achievements and to encourage...

Invitation to comment on revised SAI PMF
The SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) is an international framework for assessment of a SAI’s performance against the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP) and other established international good practices. The SAI PMF was adopted by...

Launch of new AFROSAI-E Strategic Plan 2025-29
“Making a difference in the performance of SAIs” Find the plan here: AFROSAI-E Strategic Plan 2025-2029 AFROSAI-E announces the launch of its Strategic Plan for 2025–2029, a forward-thinking road-map designed to strengthen Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)...

A Step Towards Independence – My Journey in the PASAI HR Championship Program
By Ms Selai Managreve, SAI Tuvalu "SAI Tuvalu is on a transformative journey, and achieving independence in recruiting staff is a milestone that underscores our progress. In 2023, I embarked on this journey as a participant in the 18-month long...

Blog: The PASAI HR Champions Program
Strengthening enduring capabilities requires continuous learning and collaboration The SAI Performance Measurement Framework assessments that PASAI conducted under its last strategy, identified that most of the region's developing member SAIs are not...

IDI Exposure Draft: ‘The System of Audit Quality Management – a Playbook for Supreme Audit Institutions’
Invitation to comment IDI is excited to present the Exposure Draft, ‘The System of Audit Quality Management – a Playbook for Supreme Audit Institutions,’ along with essential technical guidance materials and tools developed by the dedicated staff of the INTOSAI...

Season’s greetings and best wishes for a peaceful 2025
The CBC leadership and secretariat will enjoy a holiday break and be back on 7 January. We thank all stakeholders for good engagements and steps forward this year and look forward to more of the same in 2025! We wish you all a peaceful holiday season and all the best...

PASAI newsletter December 2024
Please find the latest edition of the PASAI newsletter here: PASAI Newsletter December 2024 Read about Expansion of PASAI's twinning project 200 years of audit excellence Introducing the new Auditor General of Australia Elevating SAI integrity with new ethics program...

AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 4 2024
Please find the final Bulletin for the year below, with some end-of-year reflections as well as reporting from the Technical Update earlier this year, and more, enjoy! You will find it here: AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 4 2024