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Please find below the documentation similar to the one distributed on the USB-sticks in Washington. Some updates still remain, but will be attended to shortly. Thank you all for your contributions to a good meeting!

20170913 Draft Agenda CBC Annual Meeting Washington

20170920 Steering Committee conclusions ppt

Participant list CBC Annual Meeting Washington

Minutes of meeting

Draft Minutes 20 September CBC Steeering Committee

Appendix 1. Draft Minutes 18 September CBC Steering Committee 

Appendix 2. Theme 1 Resolution 1A

Appendix 2a. Theme 1 Resolution 1B

Monday 18 September                                                                                                                                                                                 

CBC work streams

IntoSAINT Chair’s Report 15sep17

IntoSAINT Session 17sep17

SAI PMF progress pres CBC Meeting

SAIs in fragile situations – challenges and actions

Subcommittee on peer review slide-show

Steering Committee – Progress on CBC Operations (dashboard reporting session)

TFIAP reporting dashboard 

Guides reporting dashboard  

Peer review reporting dashboard 

Cooperative audits reporting dashboard 

RFCD reporting dashboard 

IntoSAINT reporting dashboard 

SAIs in fragile situations reporting dashboard 

SAI PMF reporting dashboard 

Strategic Communication with Stakeholders reporting dashboard 

Website reporting dashboard 

CBC Work Plan – high level 2017-2019

Tuesday 19 September

CBC Opening session

CEO of IFAC Mr Fayez Presentation Revised

IDI Director General Einar Gorrisen – Challenges opps. in SAI Capacity Development

Goal Chair Collaboration slides

Theme 1: INTOSAI Strategy for Capacity Development 

INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-22 ENG

Wednesday 20 September

CBC Regional Forum for Capacity Development (RFCD)

Meisie Nkau and Bruce Vivian CBC Professionalisation presentation

Zimbabwe Case Study Panel Pres

INTOSAI Framework for Regional Professionalism

Synergy session – Supporting SAIs in fragile situations

CBC-IDSC Synergy Session

Mentimeter results Synergy session inputs

SAIs in Fragile Situations – SAIs and state building

SAIs in fragile situations – external support needs

Afghanistan presentation prepared for AG 

Susanne Wille SAIs actors in fragile situations 

Yusador Gaye’s presentation Washington


CBC Steering Committee

Agenda CBC Steering Committee 2017

Minutes CBC Steering Committee in Stockholm 2016

Draft CBC Terms of Reference track-changes version

CBC Terms of Reference final version

SAI PMF Annual Progress Report 2017

SAI PMF Communication Strategy

SAI PMF strategy adopted at XXII INCOSAI

Anahi presentation CBC SAI-PMF

SAI PMF Independent Advisory Group Report 2017

Approval of SAI PMF Annual Plan

Peer Review 2018 conference invitation

IntoSAINT Chair’s Report 15sep17

Draft Guide for Strengthening SAIs