It was a busy meeting week in Bucharest, Romania, on 16-20 September. The meetings of IDC (INTOSAI-Development Cooperation), PFAC (INTOSAI Policy, Finance and Administration Committee), IFAC/MOSAIC and the IRCP (INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform (arranged by the CBC and IDI), were all kindly hosted by the Romanian Court of Accounts. The Romanian SAI also celebrated its 160th anniversary the same week.
IRCP – INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform
On 19-20 September 2024, the CBC and IDI organized a meeting in Bucharest, Romania, with representatives from all INTOSAI regional organizations, all strategic goal committees, the General Secretariat, and INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation to consider how to speed up progress in relation to the results areas identified in the Operational Plan as priorities for SAI capacity development. We wish to thank all participants for great engagement and valuable inputs for taking the next steps of the Goal 2 Operational Plan.
Please see the IRCP outcomes report here: IRCP 2024 Outcomes report
For photographs (credit INTOSAI Journal) from the IRCP event, please see: