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9 June webinar - SAI capacity, performance and relevance during and subsequent to COVID-19

Please find below the link to view and download the recording, as well as the presentations given by the panelists. N.B. you will need a password to open the link, password being: dETDaPE5.

Link to recording:

Kimi Makwetu ppt

Pamela Monroe Ellis ppt

Edward Olowo Okere ppt

Einar Gorrissen ppt

Panellists were:

  • Kimi Makwetu, CBC Chair (Auditor-General of South Africa) – on SAI Relevance in time of COVID-19 and the importance of preventative controls
  • Pamela Monroe-Ellis (Auditor-General of Jamaica, and CAROSAI Secretary-General) – on Rapid and real-time audits by SAIs during COVID-19
  • Edward Olowo-Okere, Global Director, Governance Global Practice, World Bank – on A donors perspective on the valuable role that SAIs can play in strengthening transparency and accountability to prevent inefficient or inappropriate use of resources during COVID-19
  • Einar Gørrissen, Director General, INTOSAI Development Initiative – on The importance for SAIs to ensure the ramping-up special skills during the COVID-19

Facilitator was:

  • Helena Lindberg, CBC Vice Chair (Auditor-General of Sweden



17 June webinar sessions - SAI civil society cooperation/citizen engagement in the interest of enhanced SAI impact and improved accountability.

A synergy session with the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation.

Please find below the link to view and download the recording, as well as the presentations given by the various speakers. N.B. you will need a password to open the links to each session.


First session recording link, click here

Password for the first session: mPUsezt5.

1. ppt Kimi Makwetu – Introduction

2. ppt Susanne Wille EC

3. ppt Kimi Makwetu AGSA

4. ppt Albert van Zyl IBP SA

5. ppt R G Viswanathan SAI India 

6. ppt Aida Talavera SAI Philippines

7. ppt Claire Schouten IBP


Second session recording link, click here

Password for the second session: KscVwFp9.

1. ppt Kimi Makwetu – Introduction

2. ppt Ed Olowo Okere World Bank

3. ppt Kimi Makwetu AGSA

4. ppt Albert van Zyl IBP SA

5. ppt Aldo Adamo SAI Peru

6. ppt Jeanette Calder JAMP

7. ppt Egbert Jongsma NCA

8. ppt Kweku Obeng GIZ Ghana

9. ppt Claire Schouten IBP

15 September - CBC Steering committee meeting
6-7 October webinar sessions

Please find the webinar information here:

6 October East session:

7 October West session:

For further information, please contact the CBC secretariat.