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Ongoing Activities

With the aim of making assessment more cost-efficient, an online application of the assessment framework has recently been launched, called “e-SAI PMF”. Developed by IDI to support SAIs and SAI PMF assessors to conduct rapid, high quality and efficient assessments, as of September 2023, six SAIs have used the e-SAI PMF for conducting their assessments. (For more information, see e-SAI PMF ( Positive user-experiences have been communicated together with useful input to future improvements to enhance the application further

Consultations on possible revisions to the current version of the SAI PMF are in progress during 2023 and early 2024.

SAI PMF repeat assessment self-learning course launched in English. Launch in other languages expected by December 2023.

New guidance material – A Roadmap on Publishing and Sharing SAI PMF results has been developed and is available for use by SAIs and other stakeholders.