XXIV OLACEFS General Assembly
The city of Cusco, Peru, named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983, will be the meeting place for the XXIV OLACEFS General Assembly from November 24 – 28, 2014. During this meeting the representatives of Supreme Audit Institutions of Latin America and the Caribbean will gather to discuss such important topics as “The role of SAIs related to Public Governance”, “Internal control from the perspective of Transparency and Accountability “ and “Fiscal control and relationship with other autonomous entities along the countries of the regions: Scope, exception and content”. In addition to that, themes linked to the OLACEFS regional experience about peer reviews and coordinated audits will be presented. The Assembly will provide the arena to debate relevant topics for the region as “Governance and fight against corruption”. Also for the first time in the region, OLACEFS will award the Order of Merit of Oversight in the Americas. The prize will be given to a head of a Supreme Audit Institution to recognize his outstanding trajectory at the SAI and contributions to the INTOSAI. The event promises to be an unforgettable experience that will allow attendants to exchange good practices in terms of public audit, meet with the historical roots of governmental control during the Inka Empire and be part of the signing of Cusco Declaration. Meeting website: https://asambleaolacefs2014.com/