The INTOSAI Governing Board met in Vienna, Austria, on 6-7 November, under the chairmanship of Jiayi Liu, Auditor General of China.
Mr Kimi Makwetu, Auditor General of South Africa and Chair of the Capacity Building Committee, presented the report of the CBC, including the process that has resulted in the committee’s work plan 2014-2016. The work plan is mainly the result of the CBC annual meeting in Lima, Peru in September. On behalf of SAI Peru, Mr Jan van Schalkwyk from SAI South Africa, presented the report of Subcommittee 2 on Develop Advisory and Consultant Services, and Mr Igor Sulay from SAI Slovakia presented the report by Subcommittee 3 on Promoting Best Practice and Quality Assurance through Voluntary Peer Reviews.
Agenda Item 15.a – Develop Advisory and Consultant Services
Agenda Item 15 Promoting Best Practice and Quality Assurance through Voluntary Peer Reviews
The Governing Board took note of the CBC’s report and endorsed the proposals from the CBC, including the acceptance of China and Indonesia as new members, as well as the goals and key initiatives of the joint CBC work plan. CBC Main Report to 66th Governing Board
The CBC Chair presented the White Paper on Professionalization which has been elaborated by a Task Group under the leadership of the CBC Chair, who proposed a way forward. The Governing Board agreed on the proposed way forward which, initially, primarily is focused on further research on the topic.
Agenda Item 7b Task Group on INTOSAI Professional Development
The INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC) and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) have been mandated by the INTOSAI Governing Board to take forward INTOSAI’s cooperation with the wider development community. The CBC Chair presented the results of this work. Furthermore, all regional working groups gave presentations of their activities, which proved a vast range of activity constantly ongoing throughout the regions.
Agenda Item 12 INTOSAI Cooperation with Development Organisations
Other related issues on the Governing Board agenda included a presentation of INTOSAI’s activities relating of the UN post 2015 development agenda, which will naturally affect also the work of CBC. Also, going forward, special attention should be given to the link between peer review, ISSAI 5600 and being able to guarantee continued independence of SAIs.