Close to 100 participants joined the CBC steering committee 2021 where the subcommittees and workstreams had handed in their progress reports and work plans in advance for the steering committee’s approval, as had the draft agenda, draft minutes 2020, the CBC budget 2021-22 and ToR for the new workstream on Audit of donor funds.
The subcommittees and workstreams presented their work’s highlights with inspiring and colourful infographics and also SAI PMF presented their progress report. Furthermore, the chair of the SAI PMF Independent Advisory Group (IAG) presented their insights and recommendations to the steering committee. SAI Bhutan and SAI Kenya joined to tell their success stories on the application of the SAI PMF. SAI Malaysia was welcomed as a new CBC member and a new workstream (on Audit of donor funds) under the lead of SAI Sweden was approved. Also the issue of a physical or digital meeting in 2022 was touched upon.
Please find the meeting documentation and meeting recording here!