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- Create Date April 25, 2016
- Last Updated December 17, 2021
Montenegro 2011 ENG
On 25 October 2010 Mr. Miroslav Ivanisevic, President of the National Audit Institution requested Sigma to arrange an external independent review (Peer Review) of the Institution as input to its further capacity development.
The scope of the review encompassed both the activity and internal functioning of the National Audit Institution and its relationship with its institutional environment, including the impact of its work. The Peers have worked according to the benchmarks and methods described below.
The objective of this Peer Review is to provide an independent review of the quality and adequacy of the current operations of the National Audit Institution with the aim of presenting recommendations that could be considered by the Senate for further institutional capacity building. These recommendations are intended to help the National Audit Institution to develop towards being a fully effective Supreme Audit Institution in line with international standards and good European practice, whilst taking into account the country’s very specific circumstances and being fully responsive to their prevailing needs. The process should also constitute an important contribution to the strengthening of public accountability in Montenegro.
The Peer team consisted of:
Mr. Tomaz Vesel, First Deputy President, the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia;
Ms. Dace Nulle, Council Member and Director, the National Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia
Mr. Jan Pieter Lingen, former, Head of Cabinet to the Dutch Member of the European Court of Auditors, Sigma expert
Mr. Vilhelm Reuterswärd, former Audit Director at the Swedish National Audit Office, now a Senior Advisor with Sigma;
For Sigma, Ms. Ulrika Klingenstierna, former Deputy Audit Director at the Swedish National Audit Office, and Sigma Senior Advisor was responsible for the project. The project assistants were Ms. Susanne Kleve-Guérinet and Ms. Annes McGoogan of the Sigma Secretariat.