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- Create Date April 25, 2016
- Last Updated December 17, 2021
Norway 2011 ENG
The objective of the peer review was to assess the audi ting prac tices of the Off ice of the Auditor General of Norway as well as the overall support to audit functions . In particular :
- audit and reporting processes, including planning, methodology and qualit y control;
- the administrative and managerialfunctions that provide support to the audit services; and
- user feedback processes.
The peer review of the Of f ice of the Audi tor General of Norway (OAGN) was carried out by the representat ives of the following Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs):
The European Court of Auditors (ECA) – Lead reviewer
Mr Eduardo Ruiz García
Mr John Speed
Mr Manfred Kraff
The National Audit Office of Finland
Ms Johanna Kormu
Mr Visa Paajanen
The National Audit Office of Austria
Ms Helga Berger
Mr Hans-Georg Windhaber
Mr Herbert Baumgartner