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The 2017 meeting of the CBC will be held in Washington D.C., United States, on 18-20 September (arrivals 17 September), where the Worldbank has generously offered to host this event. After the positive feedback from the 2016 meeting in Cape Town, this year’s meeting will again be contiguous with the one of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation (on 20-21 September, for which a separate notification will be sent out by the IDC Secretariat). We are most appreciative towards the host to take on this big event and we will soon provide more detail on the venue, accommodation, and visa/travel arrangements.

We look forward to your attendance of the meeting, which of course will include all the familiar parts on the programme, but also a few new inspiring items. We are also proud of the matter that two INTOSAI meetings can again take place during the same week, a time- and money saving approach which we believe will benefit all (see outline of programme accompanying this email).

Please find the Draft Outline of Joint CBC and INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee meetings here.

Enquiries can be directed to the CBC Secretariat at