The INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC) the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation (IDC), the Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), held a significant series of meetings in Bucharest, Romania, on 16-20 September – focused on the theme “Building effective, accountable, and transparent institutions for the public good.”
Generously hosted by the Romanian Court of Accounts, this multi-faceted event brought together over a hundred participants from various INTOSAI bodies and external stakeholders, aiming to foster collaboration and develop actionable strategies to enhance public sector auditing worldwide. In a series of meetings involving key INTOSAI bodies, emphasizing values of cooperation, sustainability, and integration, participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions, sharing insights and best practices designed to address the evolving challenges in public sector auditing.
Importance of SAI independence and development partnerships
A seminar spearheaded by the CBC explored two topics: the role of partners in the development of SAIs, and SAI independence as a primary enabler for building effective SAIs. The perspectives shared during the seminar by key leaders from INTOSAI, from the World Bank and from IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) underlined the value of partnerships and the importance of expanding INTOSAI’s global advocacy efforts to promote SAI independence. Participants recognized that SAI independence should be framed not merely as an end goal but to enhance national and sub-national accountability systems. By emphasizing the role of independent SAIs as capable external assurance providers, the committee aims to strengthen the overall accountability ecosystem.
Click here for the recording of the Open seminar (passcode: .3&UPK!&)
Collaboration with professional accountancy organizations (PAOs) was also a significant theme, with discussions advocating for closer partnerships at all levels. The CBC underscored the benefits of cooperation between SAIs and PAOs, promoting avenues for collaboration that can enhance professionalization pathways for SAI auditors and accountants. This approach is essential for ensuring that public sector institutions can deliver on their mandates effectively.
Focus areas to bolster the capacity of SAIs
The importance of addressing the challenges faced by SAIs from countries in receipt of official development assistance when required to audit donor funds was a recurring theme throughout the week. Perspectives shared by SAI leaders underlined the need for solutions that will enable SAIs to safeguard their independence by continuing to resource their statutory audits while creating capacity for the audit of donor funds.
Also, the ongoing difficulties encountered by SAIs operating in complex environments, emphasizes the necessity for intensified coordination between various workstreams within INTOSAI, including the CBC initiatives around Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts (ACCC) and peer-to-peer cooperation. This focus aims to bolster the capacity of SAIs, enabling them to effectively navigate their unique challenges.
Another critical area of focus during the meetings was the visibility and impact of INTOSAI’s regional bodies. Participants worked to create awareness among INTOSAI leadership and donor partners about the value-added contributions of these regions, while also addressing their funding needs and sustainability challenges. This recognition is vital for ensuring that regional bodies can continue to thrive and support the broader objectives of INTOSAI.
INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP) – moving forward
As the lead for INTOSAI’s second strategic goal, the CBC aimed to transition discussions from planning phases into concrete actions when the week culminated in 1.5 days of intensive workshops for the INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP). Here, Goal 2 contributors—including representatives from all INTOSAI regions, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee (IDC) and peer-provider SAIs —gathered to further the implementation of the Goal 2 Operational Plan 2023-25 and address nine critical areas outlined for capacity development. Through active contributions by all participants, the primary goal of the workshop was achieved; together we identified constructive ideas around what it takes to move forward in each of the areas, while integrating efforts among INTOSAI bodies in a coordinated manner. The CBC is committed to taking these ideas forward in partnership with other INTOSAI bodies and stakeholders.
In conclusion, the week in Bucharest marked a significant step forward in INTOSAI’s ongoing efforts to build robust, accountable, and transparent Supreme Audit Institutions, and doing so in a more integrated and streamlined manner.