Ideal working environment
An Ideal working environment refers to the preconditions which must be in place in terms of the working environment for a SAI and its auditors to successfully execute their mandate. Such preconditions include independence from those you audit, comprehensive audit mandates, access to all information needed to fulfil the audit mandate, no restrictions on the publication of SAI reports, and the ability to follow up on your findings and recommendations.
Engagement with Civil Society
Issues paper on SAI audit of donor funds
General Secretariat brochure on “pillars of SAI independence”
PASAI Independence Resource Kit
ACCC Webinar: "Public participation in the audit process"
The ACCC workstream aims to hold two or three webinars per year on topics of particular relevance for SAIs in complex and challenging contexts.
Increase Use and Impact of Audit Reports ENG
IDI’s SAI independence Resource Kit
For in-country donor staff
NEWS for Ideal Working Enviroment
ONLINE NOW: Join Somalia’s journey towards a modern and independent audit law
Empowering audits: OAG Somalia’s journey towards a modern and independent audit law Save the date: Tuesday 20 February at 11.00-12.30 am CET Navigating the audit bill process in a challenging context Please join us for this interesting CBC/ACCC webinar where...
SAVE THE DATE – Face-to-face event of the INTOSAI CBC Task Force on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement
The TFCP is pleased to announce that the Task Force will hold the 1st INTOSAI International Meeting on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement, on March 13-15, 2024 in the city of Lima, Peru. During this event, the Task Force will share the work it has...
Accountability and transparency are two important elements of good governance. They are not easily separated, both encompassing many of the same actions. Transparency is powerful and, when consistently applied, can help fight corruption, improve governance, promote...