Professional standards and guidance
Professional standards and guidance provide a set of requirements or standards that all members of the profession should follow. In the INTOSAI context, the INTOSAI Framework for Professional Pronouncements underpin the public sector audit profession and enable SAIs’ to fulfil their role and mandate with quality and consistency.
Auditing the response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Criteria for audit judgement
Competency framework for public sector audit pr ofessionals at Supreme Audit Institutions
Developing Pathways forthe Professional Development ofAuditors in a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI)
2018 Strengthening SAIs ENG
Increase Use and Impact of Audit Reports ENG
Occasional paper produced October 2020: The Future-Relevant Value-Adding Auditor
NEWS for Professional standards and guidance
FIPP: Call for volunteers to support the quality of INTOSAl’s standards
Please find below a letter from the Chair of the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) inviting applicants to become a member of the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP). You will also find background guidance and an application form. The...
FIPP call for proposals
Call for volunteers to contribute to the quality of INTOSAI's standards FIPP is a multicultural group composed of 16 expert members from across the SAI community, who voluntarily dedicate time and expertise to contribute to ensuring clear, relevant, and robust...
Updated Inventory of capacity development tools
As earlier announced the CBC has produced a global inventory of capacity building tools to provide INTOSAI and its members and stakeholders with an easily accessible and user-friendly “go-to” source for anyone interested or involved in SAI capacity development,...