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Mutual experience benefits all. While all of us in the INTOSAI community live by this motto, the way we share experience and knowledge has changed significantly over the past years. Today we can sit at different ends of the world and still meet, chat, see each other , share knowledge and work together.

The Community Portal has been developed through a partnership between the KSC and the IDI and aims to serve as the hub for Knowledge Sharing in INTOSAI going forward. While the portal still is work in progress, we hope to provide a platform that will enrich your knowledge sharing experience, help you connect with each other, learn together and build a community of practice for SAI professionals. The portal will have several features like blogs, news, chats, virtual meetings, gallery, communities of practice and discussion forums. The success of the Community Portal depends on the participation of the INTOSAI community, and we would encourage the use of the portal throughout our community.

The KSC-IDI Community Portal is available on:


by Einar J. Gørrissen

Director General

INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI)