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12th Colloquium: “Enhancing governance and accountability in the public sector” –  

The Auditor General’s role in delivering independent oversight,  fostering transparency, and ensuring the effective stewardship of public resources.

This 12th Colloquium will be the first time the discussion into the Public Sector is highlighted in bringing together global experts to discuss the critical role of the Auditor General in ensuring that public institutions operate with integrity and responsibility, with speakers from leading thought organisations such as the World Bank Group, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, with a panel discussion with current Auditors General Tsakani Maluleke of South Africa and Gareth Davies of the United Kingdom, moderated by Alan Johnson, Past President of the International Federation of Accountants and Chair of the Good Governance Academy.

The 12th Colloquium will be held on:

Thursday 7 November @ 10:00 – 13:00 UTC

| 05:00 ET | 10:00 London | 11:00 CET | 12:00 South Africa | 15:30 India | 19:00 Japan | 21:00 Sydney

Please find the registration page here: