“Since its creation the Subcommittee on Cooperative Audits, chaired by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru, and composed of the SAIs of China, Fiji, Iran, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines and Slovenia; has sought to bring to the forefront the incredible potential of Cooperative Audits as a tool for capacity building for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) across the world, in particular a tool of learning by impact. Since the end of the last millennium it became increasingly clear for all to see that the world was becoming more interconnected and globalized than ever before, and with this reality comes the realization that many of the challenges faced by humanity would have to be faced by working together across borders.
With this in mind, the Subcommittee, at the CBC’s steering committee meeting in Cape Town, South Africa in October of 2016, proposed the development of an online catalogue for cooperative audits. The idea was to have single point repository where all the experiences on cooperative audit could be gathered for the INTOSAI community to access. Its purpose was to share with the entire INTOSAI community the already existing wealth of experience that many SAIs had accumulated over the years. The ongoing process of uploading reports which started then continues to this day…”
…Please continue to read the full article here: SCA article about the Virtual Catalogue
You are welcome to visit the Virtual Catalogue at: https://intosai-cooperativeaudits.org/catalog/home