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Please join the next ACCC webinar on 15 June 2020 at 1 pm Norway time.

The webinar will be led by Ms. Dafina Dimitrova, Senor Manager of IDI’s SAI Governance Department.

Ms. Dafina Dimitrova will lead a discussion on IDI’s recent guidance note; Covid 19 implications for SAI strategic management. The guidance note explores the implications of the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of the strategic management of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). It examines the risks and opportunities, as well as the potential strategic and operational challenges, choices, and dilemmas SAIs may face in this situation. The issues raised in this note are of interest to all SAIs, but particularly those operating in complex and challenging contexts.

To participate in the webinar, you will need to log on using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge via the following link: