I am so pleased that you, by reading this, have found your way into the upgraded version of the CBC website. At the end of last year, as I assumed office as Auditor-General of South Africa, and thereby also took on the inspiring task of chairing the CBC, it was decided that we should also grasp the opportunity to make a mark of this new era. The CBC website is only one part of the CBC community, but an important forum for INTOSAI capacity building issues and most importantly, the professionalisation of SAIs. Therefore, we have decided to help underline this ambition by redevelop the website to show our operations under the umbrella of SAI professionalism.
By now many of our readers know that the CBC has a keen focus on the professionalism of SAIs in relation to four fundamental elements of SAI professionalism, as we all believe that professional SAIs result in credible results, and that this builds public trust.
We will continue to share written material, articles, blogs, papers and guides as well as video-clips and links under these four fundamentals of professionalism, i.e., Ideal working environment; Auditing standards; Competent people and Performance Assessment and Ongoing improvement. This way we hope that it shall be made clearer what the role and activities of the CBC entail, how to find your way to different documents and interesting reads as well as encourage each website visitor to take part in this journey. Of course, the news section and the blog items will stay important sections of the page, as will the subpages of each workstream, but you will find them in a slightly different place.
We will remain welcoming of any contributions that our members would wish to make to keep this forum thriving – the website is by you for you!