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SAI capacity, performance and relevance during and subsequent to COVID-19

9 June 2020

Please find below the link to view and download the recording, as well as the presentations given by the panelists. N.B. you will need a password to open the link, password being: dETDaPE5.

Link to recording:

Kimi Makwetu ppt

Pamela Monroe Ellis ppt

Edward Olowo Okere ppt

Einar Gorrissen ppt


  • Kimi Makwetu, CBC Chair (Auditor-General of South Africa) – on SAI Relevance in time of COVID-19 and the importance of preventative controls
  • Pamela Monroe-Ellis (Auditor-General of Jamaica, and CAROSAI Secretary-General) – on Rapid and real-time audits by SAIs during COVID-19
  • Edward Olowo-Okere, Global Director, Governance Global Practice, World Bank – on A donors perspective on the valuable role that SAIs can play in strengthening transparency and accountability to prevent inefficient or inappropriate use of resources during COVID-19
  • Einar Gørrissen, Director General, INTOSAI Development Initiative – on The importance for SAIs to ensure the ramping-up special skills during the COVID-19


  • Helena Lindberg, CBC Vice Chair (Auditor-General of Sweden)