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  “During COVID-19, internal controls should not be diluted, but rather be reoriented to the context of the crisis – SAIs have a crucial role in this regard.

– Kimi Makwetu, CBC Chair-

Join the CBC on the 9th of June for perspectives on factors that SAIs should consider as they strive to remain value-adding, relevant institutions during and after the COVID-19 disruption.


  • Kimi Makwetu, CBC Chair (Auditor-General of South Africa)
  • Pamela Monroe-Ellis (Auditor-General of Jamaica, and CAROSAI Secretary-General)
  • Edward Olowo-Okere, Global Director, Governance Global Practice, World Bank
  • Einar Gørrissen, Director General, INTOSAI Development Initiative


  • Helena Lindberg, CBC Vice Chair (Auditor-General of Sweden)


9 June at 13:00 Central European Time (11:00 Coordinated Universal Time/GMT)

The webinar will be recorded and made available on the CBC website for stakeholders who are unable to attend on the day.


On Monday the 1st of June, the CBC website will announce information on how to join the webinar. Invitations will then also be sent to all CBC members and observers, as well as to members of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation.