Top management representatives from seven SAIs met in Tunis on 17-18 October to discuss experiences on shared challenges and opportunities in a workshop. The event was generously hosted by SAI Tunisia and organized in cooperation between the ARABOSAI General Secretariat and the CBC workstream on Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts (ACCC). Participants from Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen discussed issues such as how to build capacity of staff and retaining qualified staff, how to forge strong links with parliaments, how to combat corruption and deal with political insecurities, and how to improve the implementation of audit recommendations. In one session the participants also identified what obstacles there are to achieve the kind of world we hope for the future, and how SAIs may contribute to removing (or decreasing) such obstacles. The workshop was facilitated by David Goldsworthy from Development Action Ltd and rep
resentatives from SAI Netherlands and SAI Sweden, member and leader of the ACCC workstream.
This workshop was the second in a series of ACCC workshops for high level SAI representatives working in complex and challenging contexts. The workshops aim to build on network for continued exchange of experiences and sharing of good solutions to different challenges. Cases presented may be shared with a broader audience, for example through the ACCC series of good stories ( or in the ACCC webinar series ( A summary of discussions will be made available on the CBC website in due course.