CBC activities and products
Monday 23 September
The CBC has been allocated an hour (10.10-11.10) and all workstreams will meet on 23 September: Draft agenda CBC meeting 23 September.
Workstream material
Good Stories: https://www.intosaicbc.org/acccgoodstories/
Webinars: https://www.intosaicbc.org/webinars/
ACCC information to donors:
Supporting SAIs in Complex and Challenging Contexts (flyer)
Helping Supreme Audit Institutions apply international auditing standards (background information)
Guides and Occasional Papers
Strengthening of SAIs – A guide for improving performance
Sustainable organisational change
SAI PMF Implementation Strategy 2020-22
Subcommittee on Cooperative Audits
The new INTOSAI experts database: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBkqXXwgcPI&feature=youtu.be
Subcommittee on Peer Reviews
Task Force on INTOSAI Auditor Professionalism (TFIAP)
Guide on professionalisation pathways
Video links: https://www.intosaicbc.org/task-force-on-intosai-auditor-professionalisation/