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Your contributions to the CBC website are beneficial to all of CBC and to any visitor to the website. The contributions from our members/regions/workstreams can be through articles, blog items, summary reports from conferences, photographs, ideas, experiences of, and input to, our ongoing capacity development discussion! To make it easier for anyone eager to contribute to a fresh, relevant and interesting flow on the CBC website, a new section has been added to the main menu.

It is called Contribute.

By clicking the menu tag, you will be directed to information about how easiest to submit your text item (blog, news item, documents and guides to the document library and/or case studies to boost the work and efforts of TFIAP).

Please keep the CBC website in mind, when interesting activities of capacity building nature take place in your environment! This surely should be shared with a greater audience! Write a short text or a bit longer article on the event, share a summary – or simply something interesting that you might want to draw attention to. Inspire others like you wish for others to inspire you!

This is how: