The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the contraction of global economies and the paralysis of most public and private sectors, except for several vital activities such as health, security, and defense. Governments face the difficult task of maintaining citizens’ health and avoiding negative impacts on the economic and social level. The action plans and strategies adopted by the various governments to deal with the pandemic have significant financial implications and require many specific decisions. In the article below, Ms Besma Ghali, President of chamber, Tunisian Court of Accounts and IDI trainer, tries to answer the following questions:
- What is the role of governments and stakeholders in facing the pandemic and its possible negative effects on public financial management?·
- What is the SAI’s role in ensuring transparency and accountability in the context of the Covid crisis?
- What are the legal limits on an SAI’s audit activities?
- What are the international standards and comparative experiences from which SAIs can draw inspiration?
- What are the expected impacts of audits and lessons learned?
Please find the full article here: ARABOSAI article on Covid-19 pandemic
(Arabic version has been published within ARABOSAI – يتم نشر النسخة العربية في الأرابوساي)