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- Create Date April 25, 2016
- Last Updated December 17, 2021
Ireland 2008 ENG
The then Comptroller and Auditor Generalasked the peer review team to advise him on what the Comptroller and Auditor General needed to do to be an effective organisation.
The terms of reference were set as follows:
The Review will be a high level overview designed to assess
- the efficiency and effectiveness of the financial audits and value for money examinations conducted by the Office
- the management and governance of the Office
- the extent to which the Office delivers on its mandate.
The review team comprised:
Ms Phillippa Smith Deputy Controller and Auditor-General for New Zealand
Mr Lew Hughes Member of the UK Auditing Practices Board and former Assistant Auditor General, UK National Audit Office
Mr Andrew Clarke Chartered Accountant and former managing partner Horwath Bastow Charleton
Mr Paul Haran Principal of the College of Business and Law, UCD and former Secretary General of the Department of Trade and Employment