As part of its efforts to support peer-to-peer (P2P) approaches to facilitate institutional reform, the Effective Institutions Platform (EIP) organised a series of learning events to reflect on the key
attributes of effective P2P partnerships and the role of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in tracking and supporting this process. Please find below three relevant Learning Notes made available by the CBC workstream on Peer-to-peer Cooperation.
Building trust and mutuality in peer-to-peer learning
“This Learning Note examines what trust and mutuality mean and why these qualities matter in the context of P2P partnerships”.
EIP Learning Note 1 Trust and Mutuality
Learning through interconnected systems: From engaging individuals as peers to engaging institutions and systems
“This Learning Note seeks to explore the conditions under which connecting organisations via P2P learning contributes to problem solving and institutional
EIP Learning Note 2 Learning Through Interconnected Systems
Localised learning: Unleashing local capabilities through P2P learning
“This Learning Note explores some of the key features of P2P approaches that may be conducive to unleashing local capabilities and catalysing experimental problem solving, change and innovation”.