Integrity is not a simple concept to define. Many overlapping and distinct definitions are used. The term integrity is derived from the Latin in-tangere, meaning untouched. It refers to virtue, incorruptibility and the state of being unimpaired. Integrity is closely related to the absence of fraud and corruption, but it also entails common decency.
According to the Operational Plan of EUROSAI Goal Team 1, EUROSAI would like to “Promote the use of SAI PMF pilots, ethical and other integrity based self-assessment tools by informing EUROSAI members about these concept”. On behalf of Task Force on Audit and Ethics and Goal Team 1 on Capacity Building, State Audit Office of Hungary organised a Conference on the importance of ethics and integrity for Supreme Audit Institutions between 14 and 15 September, 2016 to enhance this objective.
During this conference, the participants had the great opportunity to receive information about different concepts relating to the issue of integrity:
– SAI leading by example – ISSAI 12,
– ISSAI 30, INTOSAI Code of Ethics,
– ID programmes against fraud and corruption,
– Promoting an ethical culture in public organisations.
The conference was followed by the 10th meeting of the Goal Team 1 on Capacity Building.
More details are on the Newsportal of the State Audit Office of Hungary.
All the documents are published on the Training section of the EUROSAI Website.