Regarded as the key tool for the successful implementation of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan (ESP) 2017-2023, the operational plan was approved and brought into force by the 49th EUROSAI Governing Board (GB) Meeting held in Gdansk/Poland, 14-15 March 2018. The ESP approved in May 2017 has been developed through this project-based and result oriented operational plan, which is now in effect and strives to remain a simple, precise and to the point document. With its new integrated structure, the operational plan paves the way for a true division of responsibility as well as the exchange of expertise and networks, especially among the GB members. Via the Co-leadership of SGs and the ownership of governance portfolios, it facilitates the leadership role and engagement of individual Governing Board members for the operationalisation and implementation of the strategic plan and for strategic decision-making.
At present, the co-leaders of SG 1 “Professional cooperation” are the SAIs of Czech Republic and Germany, while the co-leaders of SG 2 “Institutional Capacity Development” are the SAIs of Poland and Sweden.
Regarding the governance portfolios, they have been distributed as follows among the Governing Board members:
- The Turkish Court of Account- Overall Governance and Culture Portfolio
- State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia- Communication Portfolio
- The Netherlands Court of Audit- Relations with Non-SAI External Stakeholders Portfolio
- The Spanish Court of Audit- Relations with other INTOSAI Regional Organizations Portfolio
- National Audit Office of Finland- Emerging Issues and Forward Thinking Portfolio
Due to the fact that the new structure has a project-driven nature, the operational plan consists of many projects, some of which have already been started up or are just about to be initiated. Along with these projects, the operational plan also reveals some ‘possible projects’ which are still at the phase of development and are in need of either leaders or participants. In this sense, the publishing of the operational plan is deemed to be an important marketing tool as it will provide all members the opportunity to get involved in them, contributing to the participatory environment of EUROSAI.
Please read more here: EUROSAI Operational Plan (OP).