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INCOSAI XXIII – CBC activities, reports and products



CBC meeting Monday 23 September

At 10.10-11.10 on 23 September, the CBC has been allocated an hour where the subcommittees and workstreams will briefly share the highlights from their work: Draft agenda CBC meeting 23 September.

Location: Hall B. All delegates welcome!


CBC reporting Wednesday 25 September

The CBC has been scheduled to report to Congress during the First General Plenary Session on 25 September (late in the afternoon): INCOSAI Programme 2019.

CBC report to the Governing Board: CBC Report to 72nd GB including motions

Accompanying documents to the report:

1. CBC workplan 2020-22

2. Peer-to-Peer Cooperation Terms of Reference

3. SAI PMF Implementation Strategy 2020-22

4. Guide_Pathways for Professional Development of Auditors in SAIs

5. INTOSAI Competency Framework revised


The CBC booth

Booth schedule

All workstream representatives present at the congress are encouraged to join the secretariat in the booth as often as you wish – but at least during “your workstream’s” time slot. Please see schedule below.

CBC booth roster INCOSAI

Booth material

  • One pagers:

ACCC flyer- Supporting SAIs in Complex and Challenging Contexts

Work stream in support of Auditing in complex and challenging contexts (ACCC)

Work stream in support of cooperative audits

Work stream in support of IntoSAINT

Work stream in support of peer reviews

Work stream in support of regional cooperation

Work stream in support of peer-to-peer cooperation –

Workstream on the CBC Guides and Occasional Papers

  • Blog booklet (compilation of contributions to the CBC Blogspot):

CBC Blogs

Layout of booth/exhibition area

Booth information

Workstream material


Good Stories:


ACCC information to donors:

Supporting SAIs in Complex and Challenging Contexts (flyer)

Helping Supreme Audit Institutions apply international auditing standards (background information)

Guides and Occasional Papers

Strengthening of SAIs – A guide for improving performance

Sustainable organisational change


Poster showing the SAIs if the world that have implemented the Self-Assessment on Integrity: IntoSAINT Poster INCOSAI 2019

IntoSAINT members testimonials, both in English and Spanish (approximate duration: 25 minutes, each version), recorded during the IntoSAINT annual meeting, held in Mexico City, on July 4-6, 2018:

Peer-to-Peer cooperation

CBC P2P draft work program 2020-2022

Regional Forum for Capacity Development (RFCD)

INTOSAI Framework for Regional Professionsalism


SAI PMF Implementation Strategy 2020-22


Subcommittee on Cooperative Audits

Virtual Catalogue of Cooperative Audits:

Promotional video about the Virtual Catalogue of Cooperative Audits:

Promotional video about the ISSAI 5800 Massive Online Open Course (MOOC):

They can be downloaded in these links:

Promotional video about the Virtual Catalogue of Cooperative Audits:

Promotional video about the ISSAI 5800 Massive Online Open Course (MOOC):


Subcommittee on Peer Reviews

Subcommittee on Peer Reviews dashboard 2020 – 2022

 Subcommittee on Peer Revievs flyer INCOSAI

The value of SAIs and Peer reviews slideshow

Task Force on INTOSAI Auditor Professionalism (TFIAP)

Guide – Pathways for Professional Development of Auditors in SAIs

INTOSAI Competency Framework revised

Video links: