The INTOSAI Governing Board met in Abu Dhabi on 10-11 November. The Capacity Building Committee Chair, Mr Kimi Makwetu, and Vice Chair, Mr Magnus Lindell, reported and provided input on a number of agenda points. The reports submitted by the CBC and its subcommittees can be found on the CBC website.
The Governing Board meeting included reports by, among others, all INTOSAI regions, committees and subcommittees, the Secretary General, the Director of Strategic Planning, the Finance and Administration committee, the Task Force on Strategic Planning and the Board’s Chairman, First and Second Vice Chairmen.
CBC reporting
The CBC Chair and Vice Chair reported on the work of the Capacity Building Committee, including a progress report relating to the Task Group on INTOSAI Certification of Auditors and cooperation with the INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat in the interaction with international development organizations. The Chair and Vice Chair were supported by reports the Chairs of the subcommittee on peer review and cooperative audits respectively.
CBC Report to the 67th Governing Board
Report INTOSAI Cooperation with Development Organizations
Report FAC Task Group INTOSAI Certification of Auditors
ISSAI 5600 on peer review was approved for exposure and ISSAI 5800 was approved by the Governing Board for endorsement by INCOSAI in 2016.
The SAI of Korea also reported on the progress of the UN-INTOSAI Platform and suggested its dissolution as a result of the development of close cooperation between the UN and INTOSAI in a number of areas.
The Governing Board endorsed the following:
· Change in membership – the SAIs of Iran, Uganda and Kuwait as new members (SAI of Canada resigning)
· ISSAI 5600 (peer reviews) for exposure and continued development in accordance with the PSC due process
· ISSAI 5800 (cooperative audits) for completion of the PSC due process for adoption at INCOSAI 2016
· Establishment of two project groups: IntoSAINT and CBC guides
· The dissolution of the UN-INTOSAI Platform
Other CBC-relevant issues
During the Governing Board meeting the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) also gave a progress report and the INTOSAI Finance and Administration Committee reported on the work of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation.
An innovation during the Governing Board meeting was that break-away sessions were introduced as a means of discussing important issues relating to the strategic plan; governance issues, the role of the regions and technical work. The CBC framework for regional professionalism was introduced as a point of departure in the discussion on the role of the regions and was well received.
The day prior to the Governing Board another innovation was introduced; the two coming congress themes were discussed in an informal work session which included representatives from all goal committees and regions as well as a number of other key INTOSAI players. The conclusions from the CBC annual meeting were used as a point of departure in the discussions of both themes, including the both the framework for regional professionalism and the roles identified for SAIs in relation to the sustainable development goals.