Due to the rescheduled Governing Board meeting, also the CBC meeting will be rescheduled accordingly and held 8 November in the afternoon at 3 pm (or as soon as the PSC meeting concludes) in Room 1 – ExpoMag in Rio de Janeiro.
Kind regards,
/The CBC Secretariat
Welcome to join the CBC at the congress!
When: Tuesday November 8 at 15.00.
Where: INCOSAI, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (room 1 in ExpoMag)
Come find out more about what the CBC has been up to since the last congress and learn more about the CBC workstreams, including new ones, and
their efforts to remain active and relevant during the pandemic as well as looking ahead. We will listen to the CBC chair elaborating on the committee´s main
focus going forward and to interesting testimonies on SAI PMF.
We look forward to seeing you there!