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In July, the World Bank launched the recently developed Supreme Audit Institutions Independence Index to strengthen its own ability and that of other development partners to promote the independence of SAIs globally. The index presents insights into the legal and operational independence of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) of 118 countries, and is based on a desk review undertaken by staff of the Bank’s Governance Global Practice.

In the launching event, the CBC vice chair Ms Helena Lindberg participated in a panel discussion with among others the auditors general of the United States, Saudi Arabia and Jamaica. Ms Lindberg  described how the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC) works to strengthen the independence of supreme audit institutions and gave examples from the working group for Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts – ACCC. Helena emphasized the important role of parliaments in strengthening SAIs by creating legal and institutional conditions for their independence.

See the World Bank launching event here: