On 19 December 2014, the 69th UN General Assembly adopted a new Resolution “Promoting and fostering the efficiency, accountability, effectiveness and transparency of public administration by strengthening Supreme Audit Institutions”.
This resolution inter alia encourages UN Member States to give due consideration to the independence and capacity-building of Supreme Audit Institutions in a manner consistent with their national institutional structures, as well as to the improvement of public accounting systems in accordance with national development plans in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
This UN Resolution also provides an opportunity for SAIs to engage in international and regional meetings and conferences where discussions of these goals will be held. It also provides a further possibility to intensify the efforts to increase the independence of SAIs, related capacity-building as well as the improvement of public accounting systems.
Below find links to the adopted UN Resolution as well as an information letter of the Secretary General of INTOSAI, sent out to all INTOSAI members after the adoption of the Resolution in December 2014.
Viktor Cypris
Sektionschef Mag., Rechnungshof
Secretary General on UN Resolution 2014 fin