The Effective Institutions Platform (EIP), an alliance of over 60 countries and organisations, that support country-led public sector development, is launching a survey on Supreme Audit Institutions engagement with external stakeholders, focusing on interactions with citizens, parliaments and the mass media. The survey will identify several case studies and will develop evidence-based recommendations, in the form of a checklist, to assist SAIs in their decisions and management of engagement practices. The draft report, including the checklist and case studies, is planned to be presented and distributed at the OLACEFS annual forum in Mexico. As a follow up, the EIP is to launch its first learning alliances between SAIs around their engagement practices with particular groups of stakeholders.
The survey is now active in four languages (English, French, Portuguese and Spanish) and open to any interested SAIs until October 9th, 2015.
We would highly appreciate your participation to the survey and to the following steps of the project,t which is implemented in collaboration with the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and thanks to the support from USAID.
Please respond to the survey and get involved in the project clicking on the following link:
Any interested parties can also contact the EIP at about this survey or participation in future projects.