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Please find below the 2020 Global Survey for SAIs launched by the IDI Global Foundations Unit/INTOSAI Global Survey Committee. The survey was launched in English, French, Spanish and Arabic and you will find all versions available below. The deadline for responding to the survey is 18 December!

For more information visit the Global Survey page here

Welcome to the 2020 INTOSAI Global Survey for Supreme Audit Institutions!

This survey covers the following thematic areas such as SAI institutional models; developments in SAI performance; SAI core services; SAI organisational, HR management and professional staff development and SAI capacity development support.  There are a total of 132 questions in this survey about an SAI’s capacity and performance. The objectives of the INTOSAI Global Survey are to measure progress in the capacities and performance of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) compared with results from the 2017 Global SAI Stocktaking Report. These information will help guide the capacity development efforts within INTOSAI (including those of the IDI, the INTOSAI regions, INTOSAI Goal Committees, donors and development partners).

Responding to the survey: For this 2020 INTOSAI Global Survey, we highly recommend that SAIs assign a team of staff members with the relevant knowledge or functions within the SAI, including gender expertise or gender focal point, in order to cover the information needed to respond to the questions. A team coordinator should be appointed with the responsibility to collect the answers across the SAI and to enter them into the CheckMarket questionnaire online. The survey application allows for saving your responses as you enter them. Your responses are saved when you click ‘Next’ on each survey page. You can also go back through the sections to review and, where necessary, update your answers. You will be able to print a copy of your response after completing the survey.

The 2020 Global SAI Stocktaking Report: As with prior surveys, the survey responses will be analysed, consolidated and shared through the Global SAI Stocktaking Report 2020 in the form of global or regional data analysis. In addition to the information collected with the survey, the report also makes use of other available data such as Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Assessment, Open Budget Index and Supreme Audit Institutions Performance Measurement Framework for final analysis and conclusions. This report will be developed, published and disseminated in 2021.

If necessary, you can seek support for completing this survey from the regional secretariat. If you have any comments or questions, please contact me, IDI Global Foundations Manager Marcela Hommefoss ( / Mobile phone: +47 97107626 or Manager Camilla Fredriksen ( / Mobile phone: +47 41234866.

 Please submit the completed survey questionnaire by 18 December 2020 at the latest. Thank you very much for your time and willingness to take part in the INTOSAI Global Survey!

English version:

Spanish version:

Arabic Version:

French Version: