Close to 200 Supreme Audit Institutions from around the world will meet in Brazil in November this year for INCOSAI 2022, the most important global platform for SAIs.
In this video, Jan van Schalkwyk, Chair of the Task Force on INTOSAI Auditor Professionalisation, discusses the four critical components for managing auditor competence which are due to be endorsed at the Congress:
- An INTOSAI standard on auditor competence (ISSAI 150);
- Guidance on the development of competency frameworks for auditors (Guid 1950);
- Guidance on the development of pathways for professional development of auditors (Guid 1951), and
- A Human Resource Management Guide for SAIs (HR Management Guide).
Jan also unpacks why he is confident that ISSAI 150 is not only achievable, it is actually happening at many SAIs already.
Click to watch and listen to Jan right here: Info on four critical tools for managing auditor competence on their way to XXIV INCOSAI – YouTube