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The slogan in the conference opening slide was bold and gutsy, but the symbolism was fulfilled – the conference attendance by almost one hundred participants from 47 INTOSAI member organisations and some twenty participants from the host SAI served as proof. The conference was attended by representatives from all INTOSAI regions, bar one. Thirteen SAIs were represented by their heads or deputies.

In the end of June 2018, the capital city of the Slovak Republic – Bratislava – became for a few days a capital city of the INTOSAI world. The global conference “Motivating and equipping the SAIs to carry out peer reviews” had 19 presentations.

The opening speech was given by Rajiv Mehrishi, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. He stated that the peer reviews proved to be an established practice within INTOSAI community. One round table with all participants joining the discussions, and two panels with seven panellists kept the attention well alive. The conference was noticed also in the social media registering several hundred visits in the first week alone.

To learn more about the whole conference including the materials, presentations, posters, photos etc., please visit: or or