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In support of the CBC’s continuous effort to support the strengthening of capacity and performance of SAIs, the CBC Secretariat has compiled a catalogue of capacity development tools, which is now available here on the CBC website under the main menu tab “Inventory of Tools”, or please go ahead and just click here!

There is a vast number, and variety, of capacity development tools available at global, regional and organizational level scattered over a wide range of platforms globally. The CBC Inventory of Capacity Development Tools now provides INTOSAI and partners with an informative inventory as a “go-to” user-friendly resource. Anyone interested or involved in SAI capacity development, globally, regionally and/or on a national level will find it easy to search and quickly establish what is available relevant to their needs.

The inventory comprises of three sections: (1) Guidelines (2) Case studies and (3) e-Learning options. These sections have been categorized under key themes linked to the domains of the SAI Performance Measurement Framework.

The CBC Secretariat will regularly update the inventory and will therefore welcome suggestions for additional resources that can be added. Please submit proposals for additions to the inventory to with a link to the website of the relevant resource/document.

Welcome to the CBC Inventory of Capacity Development Tools!