by Enetty Ted Isopo, Auditor for Human Resources Division, SAI Kiribati
I first started working with SAI Kiribati towards the end of 2019, so I was quite new when I was first introduced to the Human Resource (HR) Program in August 2020. I started as a financial auditor within the Local Government Division. However, since my participation in the HR Program, I have developed quite an interest in how ‘human resources’ play an important role in the SAI’s delivery of its mandate. The HR Program was led by the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) in collaboration with the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO), with the objective to help SAIs develop their Human Resource Strategy and Operational Plans.
As part of my initial learning in the program, I became well informed about the SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF). What I learnt from the SAI PMF results was that there are certain areas in which we need to improve our performance and procedures. One of these areas is the human resource aspects (Domain E).
The program was well-developed to ensure that we are equipped with necessary skills and knowledge to develop our own HR Strategy, as well as our HR Operational Plan. The support provided by PASAI and SNAO was incredible, in the sense that we were able to express our own concerns and ideas regarding the development of our plans. There were also challenges throughout the learning process such as; time difference with the support team; having to stay late after work or to come early in the morning; other audit tasks; and of course the impacts of the pandemic. Despite the challenges, I am grateful that we have learnt so much from the program ranging from knowledge, experience and learning sharing, networking and so much more from people who are miles away from us. Most importantly, I am glad that we were able to achieve the required components of the program which are to have our HR Strategy and Operational Plans completed at the end of the program.
Personally, I came from a background with no link to HR. However, I am glad that I gained knowledge and skills of HR and , more importantly, to have been part of the two-members team who contributed towards the initial improvement to the SAI’s HR roles. At first, I thought that my contribution will just be the number of HR activities, goals and objectives our team developed and documented on the Strategy and Operational Plan. So, I was impressed by the decision made in May 2021 by our Head of SAI, to establish a new unit for Human Resources. I am honoured that my SAI recognized the need to have the HR division to deal with HR matters, as well as to focus on the implementation of the HR Strategy and Operational Plan. With 100% focus on HR matters, I believe our HR team will excel in delivering its activities and tasks in the most effective and efficient way. I also believe that the work we do in HR will bring great contributions towards the SAI’s mandate.