The SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) is an international framework for self, peer, or external assessment of a SAI’s performance against the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and other established international good practices that was adopted by INTOSAI in 2016.

Improving performance and impact
The SAI PMF enables SAIs to sustainably improve their performance and impact, thereby contributing to the INTOSAI’s mission of fostering continuous improvement in SAI performance. The SAI PMF is a valuable tool for all SAIs, regardless of development level – the tool identifies performance variations in a meaningful way, and assists the SAI in understanding the causes of strong and weak performance. Furthermore, the tool enables SAIs to confidently engage internally and externally regarding their future relevance and value-add, demonstrating its commitment to transform and acceptance of the need to adhere to the highest international standards.
By September 2023, a total of 111 SAI PMF assessments have been completed constituting 94 first assessments and 17 repeat assessments. SAI PMF has decisively helped many SAIs to improve their performance, with 88% of SAIs reporting that they have used the assessment results as a basis for SAI strategic planning and/or capacity building projects.
SAI PMF governance, implementation and advisory structure
The CBC is the governance lead for the global roll-out of SAI PMF, and the IDI is the operational lead. In order to provide for strategic advice, the CBC has established a SAI PMF Independent Advisory Group (IAG) consisting of volunteer donors, SAIs and INTOSAI bodies with knowledge of and experience in the SAI PMF. The IAG provides strategic advice and recommendations to support the CBC and IDI in their efforts to implement the SAI PMF Strategy.
SAI PMF Implementation Strategy
SAI PMF Strategy 2023-2028 (Oct 2022)
Also see
IDI webpage on the SAI PMF

Autonomous Assessment Control
A key principle of SAI PMF is that whether or not to do a SAI PMF assessment is voluntary, and that it is the Head of the SAI that makes all key decisions about the assessment: whether to initiate an assessment; when to conduct the assessment, how to conduct the assessment, and what to do with the results, including dissemination and publication.
It is important that it is the Head of the SAI that takes the decision to initiate a SAI PMF, to ensure ownership and acceptance of any issues identified and commitment to address them. It is also important that the SAI is seen to be acting in an independent manner in all its activities, to ensure credibility as an independent audit organization and especially, that the SAI is not seen to be acting on the instruction of others.

The SAI PMF can be applied in all types of SAIs, regardless of SAI models, mandate, national context and development level, so long as the SAI considers the ISSAIs as a relevant benchmark.

Holistic Approach
The SAI PMF examines holistically both the SAI’s audit and non-audit functions in relation to its legal foundation and environment, identifying interdependencies between different aspects and root causes of SAI performance, thereby providing a strong basis for comprehensively assessing the SAI’s needs, informing its’ strategic and capacity development planning, and enabling tracking of progress over time.

The SAI PMF is a valuable tool for all SAIs, regardless of development level, to demonstrate to stakeholders the extent to which the SAI contributes to strengthening public financial management, promoting good governance, fostering transparency and accountability, and fighting corruption, and ultimately the SAIs’ commitment to increasing their value and benefits to society..

For developing country SAIs, the SAI PMF is an invaluable tool for obtaining and maintaining support for its capacity development efforts by showing their commitment to transform, acceptance of the need to adhere to the highest international standards, and the SAIs’ commitment to increasing their value and benefits to society.

Members of the SAI PMF Independent Advisory Group
Please find them listed here: Members SAI PMF IAG August 2020