The CBC would like to encourage Supreme Audit Institutions to respond to the invitation to comment on the updated Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) set of indicators. The deadline for comments is 31 October, 2014. In addition to seaking written comments, the PEFA Partners are engaged in different types of consultations and discussions with stakeholders between August and October. The updated Framework is expected to be released in 2015.
To read more about the PEFA and this consultation, please refer to the following resources:
NewsFlash Consultation Draft for Updating the PEFA Indicators (pdf 108 kb)
PEFA Indicators Update Draft for Consultation August 7_2014 (pdf 447 kb)
Updating the PEFA Performance Measurement Framework – in English (pdf 68 kb)
Updating the PEFA Performance Measurement Framework – in French (pdf 494kb)
Updating the PEFA Performance Measurement Framework – in Spanish (pdf 447kb)
PEFA Update Questionnaire (word 61 kb)
Or visit the PEFA website on
If you wish to comment on the proposed update of the indicators in the Framework, please complete the questionnaire above and submit it to the PEFA Secretariat. If you would like more information, please contact the Secretariat by e-mail to