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There will be a busy meeting week in Bucharest, Romania, on 16-20 September. The IDC (INTOSAI-Development Cooperation), PFAC (INTOSAI Policy, Finance and Administration Committee), IFAC/MOSAIC and the IRCP (INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform (arranged by the CBC and IDI), all kindly hosted by the Romanian Court of Accounts.


On Monday and Tuesday 16-17 September the INTOSAI-Donor cooperation as well as the INTOSAI Policy Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC), and IFAC/MOSAIC will hold meetings.


On Thursday and Friday 19-20 September it is time for the INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP), which will be arranged by the CBC and IDI, and is aimed at facilitating coordinated actions in support of capacity development.


On Wednesday 18 September – last but not least – the Romanian SAI celebrates its 160 years anniversary.


Invitation and further information will follow. Welcome to a very busy week!